Shops in M3
If you know of any retail stores in the M3 neighborhood that are not on this page (or if you see anything that needs correcting), please contact us with the details (including shop name, hours, address, phone number and any social/website links).
This page was last updated on 9 April 2024.
Burgers Bar
Burgers and other meat fast food
Hours: Sun-Thu. 11am-11:30pm, Fri. closed, after Motzei Shabbat until 11:30
Location: M3 Shopping Center (62 הרב שלמה זלמן)
Kashrut: Certificate photo 10/2023
Gifts and more
Hours: Sun-Thu 10am-8pm, Fri 9am-3pm
Location: M3 Shopping Center (62 הרב שלמה זלמן)
Ice cream and other treats
Hours: Sun-Thu 10am-midnight, Fri 10am-3pm, after Motzei Shabbat until midnight
Location: M3 Shopping Center (62 הרב שלמה זלמן)
Kashrut: Certificate photo 12/2023
Bakery and sandwich bar
Hours: Sun-Thu 7am-8pm, Fri 7am-2pm
Location: M3 Shopping Center (62 הרב שלמה זלמן)
Kashrut: Certificate photo 4/2024
Pizza Kimat Chinam
Pizza and other treats
Hours: Sun-Thu 10:30am-10:30pm
Location: M3 Shopping Center (62 הרב שלמה זלמן)
Kashrut: Certificate photo 4/2024
Tal Paami
Disposable tableware, cleaning supplies and more
Hours: Sun-Thu 4-9pm, Fri 10am-1:30pm
Location: In the underground parking lot at 50-52 הרב שלמה זלמן, left side
The Fabric Place
Fabric and sewing supplies
Hours: Sun-Thu. 6pm-9pm
Location: Entrance is from Ganei HaElah parking lane behind HaYarkon 13/1
Zol Ubagadol
Hours: From 7am every day, until Sun & Mon 9:30pm, Tue. 10pm, Wed. 10:30pm, Thu. 11pm, Fri. 3pm
Location: M3 Shopping Center (62 הרב שלמה זלמן)