Weekday Minyanim in M3
This page presents the regular weekday minyanim scheduled in M3's various shuls. Shabbat and chag schedules are generally posted in each shul's WhatsApp group on erev Shabbat/chag. Details of the shuls mentioned in the following schedule can be found below. Shul gabbaim are invited to email us updates to their shul's regular weekday schedules so that we can keep this page current.
This page was last updated on 3 November 2024.
M3 Shuls
In addition to each shul's listed WhatsApp group, most of these shuls also post their times and announcements in the Kehillot M3 WhatsApp group. Shul gabbaim are invited to email us corrections/updates to their shul's details so that we can keep this page current.
Magen Avraham
(a.k.a. Sefardi Shul M3)
מגן אברהם
Gabbai: Rav Avraham Levi
White pre-fab ("caravan") building across the street from הגאון מוילנא 13